Location Services

Location Services

Our location services help clients find and scout out potential vacancies, lots, and locations for rental or purchase. One of the most salient costs and biggest considerations for any health services business is rent and/or mortgage cost. At MedReno, we take pride in being not only intimately familiar with the building and construction side of our industry but with the real estate component as well.

Location services: helping you find the space that suits your needs

The aim of our location services is to provide you with a list of spaces – either spaces for rent or purchase – that best suit your needs and budget. The first step is to find out what your location requirements are. How much space do you need? What is your budget? What other amenities and services would you like around your location? Once you have provided us with a list of specifications, we can begin to scout the perfect location.

The commercial real estate market in the Greater Toronto Area is fast-moving and highly competitive. Square footage is expensive and finding good value requires a considerable amount of leg work. It can often seem hopeless if you don’t know where to look.

Our years in the industry and our relationships with commercial property owners and real estate agents mean we frequently have insider access to deals and listings that are more difficult to find for outsiders. Furthermore, once found, we can help you get the best deal possible. Our understanding of the real estate market that corresponds to the health services industry is an added benefit of doing business with MedReno.

Very few renovation companies and contractors out there are able to offer their clients the kind of comprehensive services you will find at MedReno. Get in touch with our team today and let our location services specialists help find you the best space and the best value for your budget and needs.